One Leaf falling

Photography by Englepip©


One leaf falling

Down through the bright blue sky

Tinged with amber and Autumn golds

Just one leaf falling.

Colours of the refiner’s fire

Rising, falling and twisting

Into a fickle wind blowing,

Only one leaf falling.


Losing hold on what held life together

Surrendering to uncertain times.

But only one leaf falling: for now.


But if one leaf falls after another

Losing grip on the life-giving tree

To face the full harshness of winter

Will they lose the good

To fall free?

Or will they just follow unthinking

Like sheep who know not what to do?

Or is falling always a part of

What happens to find what is true,

So it can rise up in the future

Like a phoenix  from  ashes to skies?

Just one leaf falling:

But where will it land?


via Daily Prompt: Leaf