Penchant for?

Photography by Englepip©


In Winter, I have a penchant for ..

Log fires and mulled wine

Snow boarding or skis

For warm scarves and mittens

And a good book to be read.


Come Spring, my penchant changes

to be out in the wild

to watch the winter  frosts melt

And see the newborn lambs.



Then comes  the oppressive heat of Summer

And my penchant is …

for  a seat in the deepest shade

with a cool lemonade

A good book  to read… but no moving.


Come the Fall, I’m out again

And my penchant is ….

For colour and for leaves,

I can kick, leaves I can crunch

Nature’s work of art.


But the constant penchant,

The consistent penchant,

The one dependable and true

Is the penchant I share with YOU!

Well  … that’s my pen chant for today.



via Daily Prompt: Penchant