Daily Prompt: The forest at dusk


As the sun dropped from a cold winter sky and the last rays filtered into the forest, the chill turned reds to blues and greens to greys. I caught my breath as  crackling ice crept into the undergrowth and night-time creatures hooted from their nests or tripped from their holes moving into the freezing dusk. I had a vague sense of unease as light turned to dark and I had to remind myself that this was the same world it was minutes before.

And yet I was aware it was not.

Words and photo copyright Englepip©

via Daily Prompt: Vague

6 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: The forest at dusk

  1. It is remarkable how different the world looks in nightlight versus daylight. This contrast is especially stark in the desert. That forest would fit well in a world of fantasy and magic. What stunning lighting!


    1. Thank you for commenting. If you remember Walt Disney’s Snow White you will see what differences he thought lay between night and day in the forest. 🙂


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