Solo survival strength

You think you’re alone
Cut off; shut in
Shunned by the world and
Separated by lockdown.

But look at your self
Look closely now
Search inside your mind.

There are intricate memories
Pictures of
Places been
Things seen.
Moments of
Complex relationships
Conversations had
Could have had
Might have had
Maybe will have
And they can all be worked out
Listened to
Responded to
By your alter ego.

We are never only one.
How many names do you have?
All them you!

You are not alone.

And if you have a God
You also know He is there
Listening to you
Feeling your pain
Supporting you
And lying beside you in the darkest night
Holding you in your dreariest hour.

Never despair.
We are all more than one;
Always with you.

This poem was inspired by looking at my photograph of this Echinacea. I zoomed in and found so many different levels and intricacies and I thought that within any structure in nature there is so much more, especially in the human mind – so many of us in one. Always more than one.

Photo and poem copyright Englepip©