Is it winter?

There was a time when winters here were cold
When snow and ice bit deep into the bone
And frosted windows met us, rising, every morn
When icy pavements meant we slipped and slid along.
There was a time when summers were so warm
The sun shone bright between the clouds
And heat rose humid from the fields,
Bright with wildflowers, buzzing insects
And the heady scents of earth and farm.
But then came now, and now it should be winter
But the February temperature tells me no,
For I feel the heat rise across both town and country
See a clear blue unremitting glare upon the water
And the butterflies awake and flit and start
But it is winter or is winter summer now?
For this thing called climate change has confused us all.

Poem and photo copyright Englepip©

Only you


Only you can bring that sparkle to my life

That wholeness and completeness

That is a rainbow feeling

Tingling from my nose to my toes.

Only you shed light upon the dark corners

Which no one but you understands

Only you give me warmth and serenity

And confidence to face the world with calm.

Only you – yes only you.


Poem and photo copyright Englepip©



via Daily Prompt: Sparkle